6 Mental Health Strategies for Facing a New Normal

Being a teenager always comes with its own hurdles but the new coronavirus (COVID-19) does not make it any easier. There are a lot of changes that are happening very quickly, and for those of you that are feeling anxious, frustrated, and stressed: you are not alone! Here are 6 strategies for looking after your mental health during this time. 

Recognize that your anxiety is completely normal: anxiety can help you make decisions that will keep you safe, like participating in social distancing and washing your hands. It is also still good to talk to trusted adult figures if you are worried.

  1. Create distractions: There is a lot happening in the world that is out of our control. A good way to find day-to-day balance is by creating distractions for ourselves, like reading a book, doing homework, or watching a favorite show.
  1. Find new ways to connect with your friends: social media is a perfect way to stay connected while you are social distancing from friends. 
  1. Focus on you: This is the perfect time to be creative with ways to look after your mental health. 
  1. Feel your feelings:  the best way to handle emotions related to the virus is to feel your feelings. Processing emotions looks different for everyone but it is all about finding what feels best for you.
  1. Be kind to yourself and others: More than ever, be thoughtful to those around you, including yourself! 

These strategies are from this article by Unicef. Read the entire article for more information on protecting your mental health during COVID-19.