Making the Most out of High School

High school is supposed to be a fun and carefree time. But it’s
also a time where teens have a lot more responsibility and are thinking about their future, which may include college, vocational training, or entering the working world.

Here are a few tips to help you make the most out of high school while still having fun and
thinking about your future goals.
1) Spend your summers wisely: could you benefit from an internship or part time job? Just also
remember to set aside some time to relax and enjoy the warm weather.
2) Join a club,team, or after school activity.
3) Volunteer for a cause you enjoy or are passionate about.
4) Get to know your guidance counselor that will help you figure out your post-high school
5) Find at least two teachers, counselors, advisors, etc. that you like and that you can build a
relationship with: these people might help you with ideas for your future or write
recommendation letters for you.
6) Ask for help: if you are ever unsure of anything, ask a teacher, counselor, trusted adult, or
BridgeUp Fellow for help. All these adults are around specifically to help you!
7) Strive for good grades but remember, getting all A’s is not the only way to succeed. Doing
well in school but also having done other things like internships, volunteer work and being a part
of BridgeUP all through High School looks really good on a college application.
8) Mastertime management Check out this great article!
9) Take an SAT/ACT prep course: ask your counselor or teachers if they have free or discounted
courses. Also try signing up for the CollegeBoard free daily practice questions .
10) Develop essential skills such asorganizational skills (see this article!) or note taking skills

BONUS TIP: Do not be afraid to get rejected from something. Chances are, if you’re not failing
every once in a while then you aren’t trying hard enough.