Staying Safe
Staying Active During Social Distancing
During social distancing, it can be easy to fall into a routine that does not include physical activity. However, keeping your body moving is really important for both your physical and mental health. Here are some resources to help you stay active while at home! Free Fitness Apps Daily Workouts Fitness Trainer – iOS and […]
Stay Home, Stay Healthy
Social Distancing is an important way we can all stop the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19). People all over the country are directed to stay home and only leave the house if they have to. Staying home all the time can be difficult if you are not used to it, here are some things […]
What You Should Know About COVID-19
We are living in a stressful time, and it seems like everything has changed because of COVID-19. We at BeWell Health & Wellness believe the best way to stay healthy and happy is to stay informed. Here are some answers to key questions you or your family might have about COVID-19. This information comes from […]
COVID-19 Food Resources
Many organizations around the City are committed to making sure that nutritious meals are available to all New Yorkers during this time. Below are websites with information about where groceries and grab and go meals are available for free: The New City Department of Education is providing free meals to all New Yorkers at over […]
6 Mental Health Strategies for Facing a New Normal
Being a teenager always comes with its own hurdles but the new coronavirus (COVID-19) does not make it any easier. There are a lot of changes that are happening very quickly, and for those of you that are feeling anxious, frustrated, and stressed: you are not alone! Here are 6 strategies for looking after your […]
Dorming or Commuting – What’s the difference?
As we tour different colleges throughout the summer, students are getting a taste for what it could be like to spend their day on a college campus. However, depending on where your student is applying, they may have to decide between commuting or living on campus. There are pros and cons to both decisions, and […]
Talking to Your Teen About College Applications
As your scholar is preparing their college applications, it’s important for you to understand and get involved with more than just the FAFSA! Do you know what your scholar’s personal statement is about, or have you sat down to discuss their college list? Staying engaged in the process can help both you and your future […]
The Importance of the College List
With so many great college options, it can be hard for future college students and their parents to understand what schools to apply to or what would be the best fit. That’s where the college list comes in! A strong college list is more than simply a list of any school that a teen is […]
My teen is so moody…what should I do?
Adolescents almost all go through a period of moodiness–this is a normal part of development and for the majority of teens it will pass after a couple of years. Mood changes result from increased production of sex hormones during puberty. Changes also occur due to brain growth and social and environmental factors that your teen […]
My child says they are LGBTQ….what should I do?
So, your child just made a (big) announcement about their sexuality and/or gender identity. You may be feeling a lot of emotion and your child likely is as well. Before you decide what to say or to do next, take a moment to collect your thoughts and to put a few things into perspective. First […]
I think my teen has an eating disorder…what should I do?
Have you noticed a change in your teen’s behavior at the dinner table? Are they cutting their food into small pieces, avoiding certain types of foods, or just eating less overall? Perhaps they are no longer gaining weight even though they are still growing, or they are losing weight. You also think you’ve heard them […]
I think my child has ADHD. What should I do?
Your teen is not paying attention in class. Their grades have been getting worse and you notice other changes as well – they are moody and irritable, can’t seem to stick to a schedule, and is missing deadlines. You’ve spoken with your school psychologist and she thinks your son may have ADHD. But, what is […]
Organization Quiz!
Not sure how organized you are? Looking for ideas to get organized? Take our quiz to find out if you’re organized and learn about some ideas for bringing more organization into your life. If you feel like you need additional help with getting organized, reach out to your BridgeUP fellow or BeWell Health Coach
Ingredient Spotlight: Eggs
Microwave scrambled egg: Beat eggs, milk, salt and pepper in microwave-safe bowl until blended. microwave on HIGH 45 seconds: stir. microwave until eggs are almost set, 30 to 45 seconds longer. Open Faced Breakfast Sandwich: Heat vegetable oil in a pan and fry the egg with a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Spread mashed avocado […]
Ingredient Spotlight: Cucumbers
Healthy tzatziki: Combine 1 cup greek yogurt, 1/2 of a grated cucumber, juice of one lemon, 1 tbsp olive oil, salt, and pepper. Let sit for 30 minutes and enjoy as a dip for veggies! Zesty Cucumber Snack: Peel and slice the cucumber. Squeeze the juice of 1/2 a lime onto the cucumbers and sprinkle […]
Prioritizing Tasks to Pinpoint Your Priorities
This video allows individuals to identify the priorities that will allow productivity to flourish. Very similar to Eisenhower’s box, the video introduces a “Priority Matrix” that has four different colors — critical tasks, high importance tasks, medium importance tasks, and low importance tasks. The value of the task as well as the time sensitivity of […]
How to be More Productive By Using the Eisenhower Box
President Eisenhower developed a decision box system that helps to encourage productivity. To use an Eisenhower Box, you’ll need to divide it into four sections by drawing a horizontal and vertical line through the center of the box. On the top, you’ll mark one column as “urgent” and one column “not urgent.” On the side, […]
Warren Buffett’s “2 List” Strategy: How to Maximize Your Focus and Master Your Priorities
Warren Buffett, an extremely successful investor, has a 3-step plan for prioritizing your tasks. First, write down the top 25 things you hope to accomplish in your life and career. Next, circle your top 5 goals. This allows you to take some time to decide on what is most important to you. Then, review the […]
The Ivy Lee Method
The Ivy Lee method is a tried and true productivity tool, in use since the early 1900s. To stay organized and productive, Lee suggests following five simple steps. First, at the end of the day, write 6 tasks that you need to the next day — but only 6 tasks, nothing more. Then, prioritize that […]
Prioritizing: A Critical Executive Function
Neurologist and teacher Judy Willis explains the importance of prioritizing in her article “Prioritizing: A Critical Executive Function.” She recommends that children aged 10-12 years old focus on learning how to prioritize and delegate tasks. During this time period, the brain has more neuroplasticity, which means the brain’s circuits are developing and changing rapidly, as […]
College tips, tricks and hacks
Matt Might, Professor of Internal Medicine and Computer Science; Hugh Kaul Endowed Chair in Personalized Medicine; Director, Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute In his article, Professor Matt Might shares important tips as you head off to college on procrastination, eating right, sleeping enough, how to communicate with professors, exercise, money management, registering for classes, finding […]
Advice for Incoming Students: Take Care of You
Dr. Jonathan Gibralter, President, Wells College As President of Wells College, Dr. Jonathan Gibralter has seen the way things like academics, social media, times management, and work-life balance affect students. In this article, Dr. Gibralter offers essential tips on how to stay healthy and happy while in college.
Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships? Which Am I in?
Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships – which am I in? Sometimes it is hard to tell if you are in a healthy relationship or not. It may start out wonderful, your partner is giving you all kinds of great attention, seems to be really listening to you, always there for you…. Then something changes. You aren’t […]
1 New York College Named Among Most LGBTQ-Friendly
A new report has named the 25 most LGBTQ-friendly colleges in the country, and one of them is right here in New York. The college ratings site College Consensus released its rankings Monday. In New York, Ithaca College was named among the nation’s best. The site selected the best LGBTQ schools based on several factors: […]
Advice for Parents of First-Generation Students
By RJ Vega Parents are often our first and most consistent teachers. They teach us how to eat. How to walk. How to ride a bike or throw a baseball. They impart wisdom about life, love, responsibility, accountability, and respect. For the parent of a first-generation college student, this presents an interesting challenge. A first-generation […]
Feet on campus, heart at home: first-generation college students struggle with divided identities
First-generation (FG) college students, or students whose parents have not earned a four-year degree, face unique psychological challenges. Although perhaps supportive of higher education, their parents and family members may view their entry into college as a break in the family system rather than a continuation of their schooling. In families, role assignments about work, […]
Guilt is one of the biggest struggles first-generation college students face
First-generation college students, or students whose parents have not earned a four-year degree, face unique psychological challenges. Although perhaps supportive of higher education, their parents and family members may view their entry into college as a break in the family system rather than a continuation of their schooling. In families, role assignments about work, family, […]
The unique challenges of a first-generation college student
First-generation college students, or students whose parents have not earned a four-year degree, face unique psychological challenges. Although perhaps supportive of higher education, their parents and family members may view their entry into college as a break in the family system rather than a continuation of their schooling. In families, role assignments about work, family, […]
It Takes One To Know One : 6 Invaluable Tips To A Black First Generation College Student
This week I was catching a red eye from LAX to DC with an old classmate, and we spied a very anxious, fussy mom traveling with her daughter. The daughter was wearing a Howard sweatshirt (even though it was still too warm on either coast) and had the look of a freshmen. My traveling partner […]
I’m a First-Generation Latina at UC Berkeley and I Thought I Wouldn’t Make It
Since my first visit in the third grade, I dreamed of attending University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley). During my senior year of high school, I was accepted to UC Berkeley, and my dream became my reality. I felt as if I had reached the finish line and could finally breathe. I quickly realized that […]
20 Things Every First-Generation Latino College Graduate Should Know
The recent post, 20 Things Every First-Generation Latino College Student Should Know, really inspired me to reflect on my own experience as a first-generation Latina college graduate. I noticed, however, that the list spoke to current college students and decided to share my personal response with advice to soon-to-be first-generation Latino college graduates about the […]
17 Pieces of Advice for First-Generation College Students
Going off to college can be intimidating for anyone, but when you’re the first person in your family to do so, that pressure is often multiplied. My mom, who worked two jobs to provide for my sister and I, did everything she could to prepare me for the big leap. She bought every item on […]
What to Expect at Your First Gynecologist Appointment
The idea of visiting a gynecologist might seem daunting and scary at first. You might feel nervous, and scared to have a doctor’s appointment. We are here to debunk any feelings of restlessness you have, and walk you through the steps of your first gynecology visit! When you first come in, and get signed up […]
What is Differential Victimization?
While bullying is widespread among high school students, there is now an awareness of “differential victimization” – victimization based on certain shared characteristics of the people receiving harassment. A study has drawn multiple connections between the LGBT community’s harassment during adolescence (mainly high school years), in comparison with mental health conditions. Here are some brief […]
Teens & “Sexting”
As they grow into adolescence, teenagers face pressure to look cool in both the realms of technology and sexuality. While it is important for teens to learn how to be independent, parents and caregivers play an essential role in guiding them through these areas of exploration. They may think they know it all, but teens […]
Blue Light and Sleep
These days, it’s hard to escape from screens – we’re on phones, laptops, tablets, or watching TV all hours of the day and night. But what happens when we bring these screens into the bedroom? The effects of TVs on sleep for teens have been well documented – the light from the screen can prevent […]
Communicating with your Teen about Healthy Dating Relationships
During adolescence, peers are incredibly important to a young person’s emotional growth and “connectedness” – being a part something bigger than just their family. This is a natural part of the developmental process that eventually leads to adulthood. For some teens, relationships with friends can develop into romance. While we all remember how exciting a […]
Adolescent Development & Changing Relationships
As children grow into teens and young adults, parents often struggle with their changing relationship. It may seem like teens start to distance themselves for no reason, but it’s actually an important developmental stage. During childhood, children rely on their parents for almost everything, including social support. However, as teens gain a sense of independence, […]
Opening lines of communication with your teen
Teens don’t easily open about what is going on in their lives. However, open communication with teens is a vital part of their relationship with you and is a key factor in your ability to support them. Here are some tips adapted from Time Magazine about improving parent-child communication. Create talking rituals: Pay attention to […]
Is lifting weights a good idea for girls?
The short answer is, yes! Lifting weights is a great idea for girls. Both boys and girls can benefit from a regular exercise program including aerobic activity, weight training, and stretching. Lifting weights can help build muscle strength and tone. Lifting also works to strengthen your bones and your heart, and can boost your energy […]
Dealing with Athletic Injuries
Other than sitting on the sidelines, there’s really no way to avoid some risk of injury as an athlete. You can, however, reduce your risk of getting seriously hurt. And if you are hurt, you can make sure you take the right steps to get treatment and return to your sport as soon as possible. […]
Video Games and Aggressive Behavior
For years, parents have worried that violent video games could be a problem for teens. Some people think that video games promote criminal violence in young people. While possible, recent research did not find enough evidence to show a link to criminal violence. There was, however, a clear link to aggressive behavior. Aggressive behavior is […]
My teen is obsessed with video games…what should I do?
Video games are a popular pastime for millions of teenagers. Most teens play for a few hours per week, when they have free time after homework or sports practice. For some, however, video games grow into much more than an occasional source of entertainment. Teenagers can become obsessed with gaming, spending four or more hours […]
Self-care for Young Men of Color
Being a teenager can be tough. You are growing into an adult and your body is changing, sometimes quickly and in ways you don’t expect. School gets harder and you become more self-aware. And it’s time to think about your future and what you want to do after high school, which is only a few […]
Managing Schoolwork as an Athlete
Student athletes who want to excel on the field and in the classroom can feel like they are facing an uphill battle, with coaches, parents, teachers, and friends putting demands on their time. It can seem like there is not enough time in the day to do everything you need to do. And when pressured […]
Emergency Contraception: Know Your Options
Have you ever thought about Emergency Contraception, or Plan B, as a birth control method? There are four different methods of Emergency Contraception, and some are effective up to 5 days after unprotected sex. You should always use your chosen method as soon as possible to best reduce the possibility of getting pregnant. The four […]
How Do I Choose The Right Birth Control Method?
Birth control can help prevent pregnancy. Some types of barrier methods, like male condoms, can prevent pregnancy and STI/HIV too. Birth control can also have other benefits. Birth control with hormones in it can help reduce menstrual cramps, acne, and make a period more regular. In truth, people use birth control for many reasons. There […]
Are you in a healthy relationship?
Everyone deserves to be in a safe and healthy relationship. Do you know if your relationship is healthy? Try this simple quiz from to see if you have a respectful, safe relationship or if you and your partner need to take some action to improve things. After you’re done, check out more resources on […]
Am I A Good Partner?
Have you ever wondered about if you are a “good” partner in your relationship? This simple quiz from can help you learn about if you are supporting your partner in a healthy, meaningful way, or if there are some things you might want to work on. Try it out today and learn more about […]
Top 10 Nutrition Tips for College Students
It can be difficult for college students to figure out healthy eating habits – classes might be scheduled at strange times, there’s free pizza on campus almost every day, and campus cafeterias do not always have the healthiest options. Registered Dietician Sharon Richter has a number of recommendations to help college students make healthy and […]
Twelve Places on Campus Your First Year College Student Should Locate Early
Starting college can be daunting – campus is big (and sometimes spread across different parts of a city!), the buildings often don’t have straightforward names, and it can be hard to get adjusted to a new college schedule. To help overwhelmed new college students, College Parent Central recommends locating these 12 locations on campus before […]
Budgeting Tips for College Students
Learning how to budget and spend your money is something that is not always taught in college. As a college student it is important to understand how to manage your money and prioritize your “needs” before your “wants”. This article will help you budget your money and make smarter decisions with your money.
How to have Effective Communication with Teens
It’s often said that communication is the key to a healthy relationship. While it might sound like tired advice, it’s a skill worth learning that will help us do better in all our relationships. As your teen grows up, the way you communicate with them will need to change to reflect the new boundaries in […]
3 Tips to Boost Your Confidence
When faced with a big challenge where potential failure seems to lurk at every corner, you’ve probably heard the advice, “Be more confident!” But where does confidence come from, and how can you get more of it? Watch this TED Video for tips on how to boost your confidence!
Is taking protein powders a good way to build muscle?
Protein powders may be the most popular exercise supplement out there. They are marketed to people who want to build muscle, and you’ll see them advertised in fitness magazines. You hear people at the gym talking about protein, and almost every grocery store sells ready-to-drink protein shakes near the checkout counter. But can taking protein […]
NYC Fitness Events in June
The warmer weather means it’s time to get outside and get active! Luckily NYC has tons of fun, free events to offer. Check out one of these fitness opportunities: Join the New York Road Runners for free weekly open runs in your neighborhood. Check out a free dance class like this one at Bryant Park […]
Top 10 Nutrition Tips for College Students
This school year is coming to a close, which means college is just around the corner for many of you! The transition to college is full of changes. You will have a new schedule and new responsibilities. This can be difficult at first, but here are some nutrition tips to keep in mind: Don’t skip […]
Finish the School Year Strong!
Now that it’s May, we’re so close to the end of the school year! You may feel like your motivation is decreasing as classes wind down, but keep working hard! Here is a summary of some of the academic stress management strategies we covered this year. You’ve learned a lot of these this year–keep them […]
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
We love a chance to talk about mental health, and this is mental health awareness month! Mental Health America created a calendar with one simple thing you can do each day of the month to improve your mental health. Some of the challenges include: May 4th: Do something with friends and family – have a […]
Recipes from our Family Meal Event
On April 27th, we had the pleasure of hosting another Family Meal event at Teacher’s College at Columbia! Thank you to Teacher’s College for hosting us, and to all of our wonderful families and students who came out. We had a wonderful time cooking new, healthy recipes and learning about healthy eating! In case you […]
In-Season Produce for April
It’s officially Spring, which means it’s time for all sorts of tasty produce to come back in season. Click here to read about which produce is now in-season, including: Asparagus Beets Broccoli Cauliflower Citrus Fruits Mushrooms Sweet Potatoes And more! Using these ingredients to prepare healthy recipes will be cheaper and more delicious when the […]
Setting Priorities with the Eisenhower Box
Do you ever feel overwhelmed thinking about the different things you have to do? It’s normal to feel overwhelmed sometimes, but writing down your responsibilities can help you figure out how to tackle them. One method for writing down your responsibilities and organizing them is called an Eisenhower Matrix. Click here to watch a video […]
Family Cooking Event on April 27th
You are invited to our second BeWell family cooking event of the year on April 27th! We had our first family cooking event in December 2018 and had so much fun cooking healthy lasagna, making smoothies, and eating healthy desserts. We can’t wait to have our second family cooking event on April 27th. In case […]
April is STD Awareness Month
Three common STDs—chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis—are surging across the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Young people are especially hard-hit. In fact, because reported cases only account for a fraction of the national burden, CDC estimates 15-24-year olds account for half of all new sexually transmitted infections each year. […]
6 Nutrition Tips for Teens
Eating healthy doesn’t have to be hard! Check out these healthy eating tips for teens (adapted from this article by the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center): Eat breakfast. Pick something with fruits, veggies, whole grains, and protein. Avoid skipping meals. Your body needs nutrients throughout the day (especially lunch!) Cut back on sugary drinks. Try […]
NYC Fitness Events in March
It’s finally March, which means we’ve almost made it through the winter! With the changing month comes warmer weather, which means it’s time to get outside and get active again! Click here to see all the different fitness events being offered in March through NYC Parks. There are so many activities to choose from, including: […]
Scholar Spotlight: Oliver Uses the Pomodoro Technique
Our Academic Stress management series has been going strong since September, and we have really enjoyed teaching BridgeUP scholars about how to handle academic stress! One scholar, Oliver, says that he found the Pomodoro Technique particularly helpful. He used to get distracted or put off his work, but sectioning off his work into little bite […]
Did you know March is National Nutrition Month?
Eating healthy foods is an important part of living an overall healthy life. Choosing healthy foods is easier when we know how to find and prepare more healthful options. Here are some BeWell tips for choosing to eat healthy this month: Click here to access the BeWell healthy snacks map, where we highlight healthy options […]
How to Use the Parental Controls on a Smartphone
With the growing innovation and constant upgrades on smartphones, it is tough to be updated on the latest features. One useful feature of many smartphones that may appeal to parents is the parental controls. This can be found on both Android and Apple smartphones. For a detailed guide on how to circumvent the Parental Control […]
Can Your Brain Really Multitask?
Adam Gazzaley is a doctor who has done great research in how the brain responds to multitasking and distractions. In this Q&A session, he mentions the limitations our brain has be able to focus on multiple tasks when they are carried out at the same time. He shows that his research was able to prove […]
Multitasking Teens May Be Muddling Their Brains
This NPR article speaks on the effects of multitasking and the possible reasons why many teenage students feel the need to do so. When we multitask, concentration and focus dwindle down on many tasks. Once we have been distracted, it is difficult for our minds to get back on track with the first task, without […]
Multitasking Problems: Can Teens Really Learn While Multitasking?
The article written by Your Teen magazine touches on the impact of multitasking on teenage students. It touches upon the reasons why many teens want to multitask in the first place — it seems efficient. You are able to get down double the work in half the time. However, pediatricians have cited that the impact […]
An Intro Guide to Community College
Many students are uncertain about what exactly they want to do after high school. It is easy to become overwhelmed with committing to a 4-year college and choosing a degree path. A great option that students take is attending a local community college and completing a 2-year program, then transferring to a 4-year university and […]
How to perform WOOP? Take a look…
Another great goal-setting tool to keep yourself on track is laying out your goal using the WOOP method. What is WOOP? W – Wish What is a reasonable, attainable wish you want to achieve? O – Outcome What will your life look like if you achieve this wish? O – Obstacle What are potential roadblocks […]
Use SMART goals and HARD goals and achieve high performance
You may already be familiar with S.M.A.R.T. goals (Make this text a link to smart goal article) (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound), there is another goal setting formula to help you tackle those challenging goals: H.A.R.D. goals. What are HARD goals? H – Heartfelt Are you emotionally drawn towards your goal? A – Animated Can […]
The Essential Guide to Writing S.M.A.R.T. Goals
S.M.A.R.T. goals are a great tool to keep yourself on track of what you want to accomplish. This method is not only useful for individuals, but helpful with group projects in a work or school setting to make sure everybody has a role and stays on task. SMART goals are: S – Specific What exactly […]
Teaching Your Teen to Stand Up For Themselves
Many times teens will have to deal with situations and people that do not agree with their beliefs, values, and morals. It is important that in these situations, they are able to speak up for ourselves. Doing so is called being assertive. By being assertive, they are letting those around them know exactly how they […]
Dealing with Anger
“Be the boss of anger. Don’t let anger be the boss of you!” We all know what it feels like to be angry — you may feel like you want to scream, cry, punch something, send nasty texts…. This articlefrom the Mayo Clinic gives us 10 Tips to Deal with our Anger.
Challenging The Confidence Gap
Confidence can be an issue at any age, but as a teenage girl it can be especially difficult to fight back against inner negativity. Surveys have shown that between the ages of 8 and 14, confidence in young girls falls by 30 percent. This article shows parents how they can encourage young girls to be […]
10 Smart Social Media Tips For Students
Social Media can either help you or hurt you, this article explains Smart Social Media tips that will make sure what you post is appropriate and not something you may regret later. Always keep in mind that the internet is a “giant public record” and remember that Coaches, Employers and Deans may come across your […]
9 Ways to Stay Safe on Your College Campus
There are ways you can improve your safety at college as well as keep your belongings secure. This article goes into detail about the 9 ways to stay safe on your College Campus and the resources that may be available to you!
Facts About Fitness
On top of exams, studying and trying to balance work and a social life you may ask yourself “Why bother exercising?” As a college student it is inevitable that you will have a lot of responsibilities, but never let your health become a second priority. This article explains the facts about fitness. It will help […]
Guide to Staying Safe on Campus
Whether you are going away for college or staying in your hometown staying safe on campus should always remain at the top of your priority list. Whether you’re going to a party with friends , talking online to someone or making online purchases always be aware of what you are doing and who is around […]
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Being in a relationship can be fun and exciting if you are with the right person. Too often, though, people of all ages end up getting into relationships or staying in bad relationships for all the wrong reasons. Dating violence can affect anyone at any age, but it is common among teens: “one in three […]
Happy Black History Month!
February is Black History Month, which is “an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing the central role of blacks in U.S. history.” Click here to read more about the origins of Black History Month. Every year, the Association for the Study of African American Life and History chooses a […]
WOOP Goals
People often set goals for the new year in January. Now that January is over, what goals are you working towards? It can be hard to stay excited about the goals we set as the year goes on, but we believe that you can do it! The best way to achieve a goal is to […]
Fresh, Canned, and Frozen Produce: Is there a Difference
All sorts of things can affect whether or not you eat fruits and vegetables-these include the taste, recipes you use, prize of the produce, or seasonal availability. Canned or frozen produce is usually cheaper, because the price of fresh produce can depend on factors like the time of year and where you live in relation […]
Celebrate Condom Week Safely!
Valentine’s Day is in February, which means love and relationships are likely to be on everyone’s mind. That’s why February 14 – 21 is National Condom Week! Male condoms are worn on the penis during sex and female condoms are inserted into the vagina. Either method will help you protect yourself against pregnancy and Sexually […]
Staying Fit in the Winter
The temperature may be low outside, but that doesn’t mean you need to stop exercising! Don’t let the cold winter get in the way of you reaching your fitness goals. Here are some ways you can work up a sweat without braving the cold: Work out at home. You can do simple exercises like jumping […]
Basic Study Guides
Many students find that they spend a lot of time during finals and midterm season studying information that is not present on their test. While they are studying a lot, they are not studying quite smart. In order to get the highest grade on your midterm and exam in the time span that is given […]
Creating Study Guides
Finals season is just around the corner, and in order to prepare best for these, it is extremely helpful to create study guides. It is important to create the most appropriate study guide for your class, since each class may require a different approach for studying effectively. Helpful examples of making study guides can be […]
Free Starbucks Coffee all January
New York City is no stranger to the delicious coffee and sweet drinks of Starbucks. However, over time, making daily purchases for Starbucks coffee can get quite pricey. Fortunately, they are offering a deal for members to purchase a reusable and refillable mug, costing $40 with tax. If members buy this specific mug, they will […]
Learning How to Learn
Brought to you by Instructables, this article details three techniques to improve your ability to learn. The author describes the difference between ‘focused’ and ‘diffuse’ modes of learning, modes that serve different purposes when strategizing over a problem. Next, he describes how human memory works and why procrastination is the biggest threat to effectively using […]
The 10 Best Apps to Help You Focus and Block Distractions
The author of this article suggests ways to combat daily distractions through using phone apps. It is easy to get sucked into notifications as you work on your phone or computer, but these apps help you avoid that temptation. They present an opportunity to no longer have to sit for hours trying to get your […]
Pomodoro Technique For Productivity | How To Procrastinate Less (And Focus More)
If you find yourself easily distracted as you sit down to do schoolwork or study, watch this clever YouTube video on using the Pomodoro Technique at home. The short video outlines how all it takes to be more productive is a timer and a little bit of focus. Through a series of “in the zone” […]
Pomodoro Technique – Improve Studying and Productivity
This YouTube video, created by a former medical student, explains in detail how to use the Pomodoro Technique. The technique was created by a student who sought self-improvement and enhanced productivity through actively shielding out distractions and using timed increments. Watch this video to learn more about the steps you can take and the free […]
Managing Academic Stress with BeWell
Now that 2018 is over, we can look back on all of the amazing tools we learned last year to manage academic stress. Congratulations to our first academic quarter winners, who by demonstrating the use of these academic tools, won a $25 gift card! Our winners are: Nahjee C. (Countee Cullen), Alexa E. (BLC Alpha), […]
Setting SMART New Year’s Resolutions
Happy New Year! The new year is a great time to set goals, but it can be hard to keep those goals as the year goes on. Setting SMART goals will make it easier for you to stick to them. What are SMART goals? SMART Goals are: S: Specific State exactly what you want to […]
Tips to Meet your Fitness Goals
Do you want to incorporate more physical activity into your life? If you’re able, exercising often is a great way to relieve stress and be the best version of yourself. If you don’t have a lot of experience working out, it can be intimidating to start a new fitness regimen. We’ve found some resources that […]
BeWell Bites Family Meal
On December 8th, 2018, BeWell hosted our first BeWell Bites event! We came together with BridgeUP scholars, families, and friends, and spent time preparing and trying new foods. We enjoyed the opportunity to meet everyone who came, and we’re looking forward to more events like this in the future! Here are some of the recipes […]
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
January 22-27 is National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week. The purpose of this week is to help teens learn about how different drugs affect your body and talk about strategies to avoid unsafe drug use. Click here to get answers to questions about drugs and alcohol from the National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens. […]
Free Recreation Center Memberships
When it gets cold outside, it can be hard to get enough exercise. One way to make sure you get enough physical activity (60 minutes a day) is to go to the gym! Did you know that if you’re under 18, you can sign up to use the New York City Recreation Centers for free? […]
Helping your Teen Prepare for College
If your teen is thinking about college or applying right now, that means big and exciting changes may be happening soon! The transition to college and adulthood can be challenging. Check out this article to see what kinds of things you can do to help make that transition smooth and easy. Here are some of […]
BeWell Healthy Snacks Map
Sometimes it can be hard to find healthy snacks in our neighborhoods. If you’re having a hard time choosing healthy foods when you go to BridgeUP or walk around your neighborhood, we’re here to help! Click this link to access our BeWell Healthy Foods Map. We created this map to highlight that there are lots […]
Flu Vaccination Week
The first week of December is flu vaccination week! Have you gotten your flu shot yet? If not, here’s your reminder… If you are able, get your flu shot! Check out this article from the American Lung Association about preventing the flu. The flu shot is covered by most health insurance plans. It also causes […]
Vegan Mexican Food Recipes
Are you looking for healthy recipes to make at home? Check out! This is what they say about healthy Mexican cooking: “Many Mexican dishes are naturally vegan, like nopales and ensalada de frutas con chile, while others are easily made vegan, like rice, beans, and posole. For those dishes that may contain animal ingredients, […]
Is taking creatine safe?
If you’ve been going to the gym, talking to your friends about working out, or reading fitness articles online you’ve probably heard of creatine. Creatine is one of the most popular supplements on the market. What is creatine? Creatine is a natural substance found in your body. Along with other nutrients, your body uses creatine […]
Weight Lifting for Girls
Is lifting weights a good idea for girls? The short answer is, yes! Lifting weights is a great idea for girls. Both boys and girls can benefit from a regular exercise program including aerobic activity, weight training, and stretching. Lifting weights can help build muscle strength and tone. Lifting also works to boost your energy […]
Dealing with Sports Injuries
Other than sitting on the sidelines, there’s really no way to avoid some risk of injury as an athlete. There are basically two types of sports injuries: acute and overuse. Acute injuries happen suddenly, such as a hard hit in football or a bad landing after a layup in basketball. They cause bruises, muscle sprains, […]
My child is so moody…what’s going on and what should I do ?
Almost all teenagers go through a period of moodiness, where they get cranky and irritable. Sometimes they withdraw and just prefer to be left alone. This is a normal part of development. For the majority of teens it will pass after a couple of years. Thankfully! But what’s going on and how can parents and […]
Managing Schoolwork as an Athlete
Student athletes who want to do well on the field, on the court, as well as in the classroom and in the lab, can sometimes feel like they are constantly facing an uphill battle. Coaches, teachers, parents, and friends all put demands on their time. It can seem like there is not enough hours in […]
8 Campus Resources Your College Student Should Know
The transition from high school to college can be challenging. Colleges offer a number of different resources to help make that transition a little smoother. Colleges usually have resources for tutoring, health services , counseling and more. To make the most of your college experience it’s important to know what your college provides and how […]
8-minute Workout for Teens
Are you looking for a quick and easy workout you can do in a small space? Try this 8-minute workout! You will do eight exercises: Squats / Jump Squats, Shoulder Tap Push-Ups, Lunge & Twist, Burpees, Mountain Climbers, Leg Kickbacks, Leg Lifts, and Plank In-Outs. Do the exercise for 45 seconds and then rest between […]
Breakfasts on the Go: Overnight Oats
We all know how hectic mornings can get. In between rushing to make it on school on time, to making sure that you get on your proper train/bus, the option for eating breakfast many times will fly out the door. But it’s important to understand how important breakfast is. It will help give you energy […]
Get to Know the 911 Good Samaritan Law
While it’s prohibited by law, there is a chance that you will find yourself at a party at college where people will be drinking. Freshman year, first time away from home, some students get carried away. It’s important to know about the 911 Good Samaritan Law/Medical Amnesty Law. Knowing your rights in the state you […]
10 Tips for Organizing Google Drive
Follow the author as she discusses why Google Drive is one of her favorite tools for organization and productivity. It can be easy to get overwhelmed by all of the documents and sheets you accumulate over the years, but she gives you tips to keep things manageable. She suggests using folders, proper file naming techniques, […]
Become a Google Drive Power User With These 20 Tips and Tricks
In this article, David Nield shares insight on how to navigate Google Drive, an online tool used by millions for academic endeavors, personal and business organization, presentations, and team projects. He emphasizes that many of these users, however, are unaware of many of the most important and powerful features Google implemented on the Drive. David […]
Drive Tips
Read this article in Google’s ‘G Suite Learning Center’ for information, tips, and tricks on Google’s popular application, Google Drive. Learn step-by-step instructions on how to record video meetings, turn on Drive notifications, attach and share files, manage any changes by collaborators, change themes, search for text and images embedded in files, add comments to […]
7 Google Drive Tips
Author Alice Keeler writes about her favorite part of G Suite, Google Drive. As an avid user of ‘The Drive,’ Alice offers seven tips for how to take full advantage of the free application. The article includes information on important url shortcuts, sharing a folder, what “breadcrumbs” are, viewing ‘recent’ files, using the Drive offline, […]
New York City Food Assistance
The holidays are about spending time with family and friends, enjoying food together. If you’re looking for ways to get healthy food to cook for the holidays, check out these resources: New York Common Pantry Location: East Harlem, 8 East 109th St. The Choice Pantry and Hot Meals are served at various times, […]
Managing Academic Stress Series Kickoff
BeWell and BridgeUP staff are so excited to be kicking off our academic stress management series! School work and college applications seem to be a big source of stress for teens everywhere and scholars at BridgeUP. We have created a series of tools to teach BridgeUP scholars about things that can be done to manage […]
November is Diabetes Awareness Month
Diabetes is a disease that makes it harder for the body to respond to sugar in the blood. It is caused by having an unhealthy diet, not exercising, or genetics. A lot of people are affected by Diabetes-30.3 million Americans had Diabetes in 2015, including 193,000 under age 20. Click here for more Diabetes statistics. […]
Ingredient Spotlight: Sweet Potatoes
Ingredient Spotlight: Sweet Potatoes It’s finally Fall, which means a bunch of our favorite fruits and vegetables are now in season. Buying produce in season means it is cheaper and it tastes better. These are some of the ingredients that are in season in November: Apples Beets Broccoli Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Collard Greens Kale Pears […]
How to Deal with Midterm Season
Dealing with midterms whether you are in high school or college is not easy. High levels of stress and constant anxiety may plague you. Here are some tips to help you de-stress while still being productive! Planning A week or two before your midterm is when you should start to create a timeline […]
The What, Why and How of To-Do Lists
The focus of this article is time management, a skill that may aid you in your pursuit of success inside and outside of school. Important tips and skills are listed along with reasons each that each suggestion can help you grow as a student, zap stress, and have some fun doing it. The article outlines […]
4 Google Keep Tips And Tricks For Better Notes, Lists And To-Dos
If you are interested in Google Keep, Google’s platform for note-taking and checklist writing, this article is for you. Author Mihir Patkar discusses the interface, functionality, and special features offered on Google Keep. Google Keep includes special features for staying organized, like a reminder system triggered by geographical location. For example, you can set the […]
How A Simple Checklist Can Improve Learning
In this article, the author breaks down how checklists can aid students in time management, success, and efficiency. Read about how checklists empower students to take control of a sometimes-chaotic daily routine. Learn about “metacognition” and how checklists can promote the development of specific brain functions critical in strategy building, efficiency, and organization. […]
The Checklist Manifesto
This article presents a body of research demonstrating how checklists can be a motivational and error-reducing tool. The research focuses on the benefits in surgical institutions, but the results are applicable to other industries and there is much to be learned from them. A few resounding messages in the article are: the reason humans fail […]
How to Use Google Keep
Check out this site to learn about Google Keep, Google’s online tool for organization, note-taking, and checklist building. Learn how to use dictation to create notes with your voice, add pictures to notes, share notes across Google platforms, add drawings to notes, and more! This article will get you started with this free service and […]
Why Use a To-Do List
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by how many tasks you have that you need to complete? You are not alone! Sometimes, the best way to tackle that stress is to get organized, starting with a to-do list! Crossing items off a list will give you a sense of achievement that further motivates you to complete […]
Dictionary of Sex Terms
Have you ever been talking with your friends or on social media and you see a word about sex that you don’t know? Of course you have, it happens to everyone. Well get informed, and look it up! Sex ETC, a nonprofit that offers by teens, for teens, facts and figures about sexual health has […]
Keeping Your Teen Safe on the Internet
When teens use technology, it can be scary for parents not to know what they’re looking at, who they’re talking to, or what they’re learning. Luckily, there are ways to guide your teen in the right direction. Many gadgets, websites, and apps have parental controls and privacy settings that can make them safer or more […]
Key Internet Terms to Define
Social media channels Snapchat: A social media app that sends a photo or video (called a “snap”) to someone that lasts only up to 10 seconds before it “disappears.” During that time, the recipient can take a screenshot, and the sender is notified that it was taken. Participants can also create “stories” that last for […]
In a world where teens are able to stay in contact 24/7, cyberbullying can be a real danger. Because teens can contact each other so easily and in so many ways, it can be nearly impossible for those being bullied to escape. While teens 20 years ago might have been able to get a break […]
What it means to be Sex-Positive
What does Positive Sex Talk mean? Sometimes it’s uncomfortable or difficult to find the right way to bring up sex with your kids, no matter their gender. One method of doing this is often referred to as ‘sex-positivity’. Sex-positivity does NOT mean telling your kids to go have sex right this very minute, don’t worry. […]
Keeping Your Parents in the Loop
By Horacio Romero Castillo Hi BeWell Readers, After graduating high school, summer passed by in a blink of an eye. Next thing I knew, I was moving into my room on campus, four hours away from home. Once my parents left, orientation week began. I started making new friends, learning about clubs and extracurriculars on […]
Finding Your Community in College
By Horacio Romero Castillo Hello BeWell Readers, Whether you end up going to college 4 hours away or 40 minutes away, finding a supportive community at school is important. College brings along many responsibilities, experiences and challenges that will push your limits to the max. In my case, I did not have an older sibling […]
Why Go to College?
By Horacio Romero Castillo If you are heading into your junior or senior year of high school, you may be asking yourself, what’s next? Is college something I should think about? It may be hard to see yourself in college, especially if no one in your family has ever gone. But, consider some of the […]
Meet Horacio!
My name is Horacio and I am a current Post-Bac Pre-Med student at Columbia University. All that means is that I am taking MORE classes even though I already earned a college degree. Yes, I know, it sounds crazy! But I am doing so because I want to apply to medical school. A little more […]
Organization Skills for Students: 7 Practical Tips
Finding a balance between working hard, participating in recreational activities, and organization can be hard! The success of students has been proven to be correlated with their organizational skills. This article outlines 7 methods to staying organized inside and outside of school. Organizing documents and handouts in designated subject, topic, or task folders will help […]
Teaching Kids The Planner Habit
Getting kids in the habit of using a planner takes a little bit of time and repetition, but once you establish a routine, planners are conducive to organization and success. This article helps parents guide their students toward the efficient use of a planner. Beginning with the right planner for your child is important; there […]
8 Steps for Using a Paper Planner Effectively
If you have ever used a paper planner, you have probably found the following: they require maintenance, but they help you succeed! Writing down assignments on paper is a visual method of organization that is far more effective than creating a mess of calendar events on your phone! Once you become accustomed to using your […]
7 Tips for the Most Successful Planner
Have you ever used a planner? If you have, you know that it requires maintenance, but that it is the ultimate tool in helping you keep on top of assignments and stay organized. Being able to “check off” completed items and always knowing when things are due can be the best way to avoid the […]
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is Domestic Violence awareness Month. Domestic violence includes physical or emotional abuse from a partner, and it can affect anyone of any age. According to, dating violence is too common among young people. 1 out of every 10 high school students has been purposely hit by a boyfriend or girlfriend. The Domestic Violence […]
New York Road Runners Open Run
Looking for a way to stay active this school year? Check out the New York Road Runners weekly Open Runs happening all around the city! These events are open to people of all ages and skill levels, so don’t worry if you don’t have experience! Running or walking with your friends, family, and people from […]
Healthy Soup Recipes
Now that the weather is cooling down, it’s our favorite time of the year… soup time! Try making one of these healthy soup recipes which are nutritious, delicious, and keep you warm! Vegetarian Chili Cook time: 40 minutes You will need: 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 onion, peeled and chopped 2 cloves garlic, […]
10 Study and Organization Tips
Welcome back to school and BridgeUP! Getting back into the swing of things can be challenging after a long summer. Here are 10 study and organization tips to help you succeed in school! Put your phone away and turn it off while you’re studying or doing work. Watch this video about the Pomodoro Technique which […]
Actress Wendy Davis Talks About Her (and Her Daughter’s) ADHD Diagnosis
Actress Wendy Davis of Lifetime’s Army Wives partnered with Understood to discuss her daughter’s ADHD diagnosis, and how it led to her own ADHD testing as well. For more in this series with Wendy, check out this Understood playlist where Wendy talks about parenting kids with ADHD, the link between ADHD and creativity, building confidence for […]
I think my son/daughter has ADHD. What should I do?
Your son is not paying attention in class. His grades have been getting worse and you notice other changes as well–he is moody and irritable, can’t seem to stick to a schedule, and is missing deadlines. You’ve spoken with your school psychologist and she thinks your son may have ADHD. But, what is ADHD, exactly, […]
Passion Project Expo
We had a wonderful time attending the Passion Project Expo this summer! Scholars from Countee Cullen Omega created the C.R.O.W.N.S. (Communities Redeeming Our Worth, Narrative, & Shine) Initiative. They learned about homelessness in the Harlem community and created hygiene packs that they distributed to the local homeless population. They also made a five-part visual mixtape […]
YouTube Fitness Videos
Interested in working out at home, but don’t know where to start? YouTube can be a valuable resource for you to try new workouts and get moving! Here are a few of our favorite fitness focused YouTube accounts for you to try. BeFiT Want to try something new? This YouTube channel features a variety of […]
Alcohol Abuse and Depression
Research has shown that up to ten percent of depressed people also abuse alcohol. Many people abuse alcohol when depressed because it makes the sad feelings go away. However this is only a temporary “fix”. People abusing alcohol think they are treating their depression when in fact large amounts of alcohol can actually worsen the […]
Family Conflict and Teens
Conflict is a normal part of family life and can often escalate during the years your children are teenagers. About 1 in 5 young people say they are concerned about family conflict in their home. Family conflict or issues can be caused by many different situations. There are simple tools parents can use to help […]
Watermelon “Pizza”
If you were at our college boot camp over the summer, you got to try all sorts of healthy snacks. In case you weren’t at boot camp, we are sharing one of our favorite recipes for Watermelon Pizza. You read that right! This sweet take on pizza is a healthy treat that’s perfect for an […]
September is Hunger Action Month
September is Hunger Action Month, so the national food bank Feeding America is working to end hunger in America! Here are some ways you can participate in Hunger Action Month: Find a Food Pantry or Soup Kitchen near you! Food Bank NYC partners with Feeding America to provide meals and ingredients to families in need. […]
Managing Academic Stress with Meditation Apps
Getting back to school can be stressful as you begin to think about getting good grades and applying for college. Don’t let that stress get you down! Different types of stress management work for different people, and you should find what works best for you. Stress management includes all of the things you may […]
Health Tips for the School Year
Welcome back to school and back to BridgeUP! We are so excited to hear about how you spent your summer. Now that school is starting, we’re here to encourage that you start off on the right foot. School can be stressful, but here are our tips to help you stay healthy during the new year–physically, […]
The Anytime, Anywhere Workout for Busy Parents
When you’re a parent, it can be hard to find time to do things that are just for you. Check out this quick workout you can do anywhere. Try doing these exercises in your apartment or explore a park with your kids or friends and try some of them! You don’t need a lot […]
At-Home Workouts for Busy Students
Now that school is about to begin, you may be struggling to find time to exercise. Even if you’re too busy to hit the gym every day, it’s still possible to get your heart pumping! Check out these at-home workouts! These videos provide step-by-step guided workouts for all skill levels that will get your heart […]
Helping Your Teen With Eating and Body Image
People of all ages can struggle with negative body image, and it can be hard to know what to say if your teen is going through this. Read this article by Andrea Wachter, who battled negative body image herself and now works with people who struggle with food and weight. We love that Andrea explains […]
Fiber: An Important Part of Your Teen’s Diet
Fiber is a vital part of the diet, but unfortunately it is often overlooked! According to this article from the American Association of Pediatrics, a study found that teens who ate high-fiber meals not only ate sufficient amounts of calories per day but also benefited from the added consumption of vitamins and minerals that […]
Calcium: The Teen Bone Builder
While your teen’s body grows, their bones are growing rapidly so they will need a lot of calcium in their diets. Calcium is found in milk and milk products like cheese and yogurt, but can also be found in other products like certain canned fish, leafy greens, and some corn tortillas. Click this link to […]
A Teenager’s Nutritional Needs
Have you noticed a change in your teen’s appetite as they have started growing up? We turn to the American Association of Pediatrics for some guidelines on a teenager’s nutritional needs. Specifically, this article gives guidelines for your teen’s consumption of calories, protein, carbs, dietary fat, and vitamins and minerals. As the article explains, it’s […]
How Teens Can Stay Fit
At NYPL BridgeUP, BeWell staff has spent a lot of time talking about the benefits of physical activity. It can improve your fitness and your health, reduce your stress, and make you more confident! You can get exercise in a variety of ways, whether it’s during gym, with a sports team, dancing, or working out […]
8 fitness Tips for Parents to Review with their Teenagers
Exercise can play an important role in your teen’s life by helping them relieve stress or maintain a positive body image as their body goes through changes. There are big and small ways you can help them reach their fitness and physical activity goals. Click here for eight tips to keep in mind to make […]
How to Manage Stress in College
College is the time in your life where you begin to figure out who you are and where your place is in the world. During these next few years you will learn to navigate new relationships and ultimately decide which career path you will choose. It is inevitable that you will feel “stressed out” during […]
A College Girl’s Guide to Birth Control
College is a time for exploring and trying out new experiences. For some college students, that may include having sex. If you decide to be sexually active then it is important to get information about how to stay safe, and delay getting pregnant until you are ready. Many young women aren’t aware of the different […]
Five Conversations You and Your Student Should Have as You Begin the College Admission Process
Before the college admissions process, it’s important to have an open conversation with your teen about college. Having honest discussions will better prepare them for the process and will allow them to maintain a realistic mindset while applying to colleges. Ask your student why they want to go to college and what their goals […]
What Do College Career Services Offices Do?
Colleges offer plenty of resources that are included in your tuition and fees. Take advantage of them ! Every college has a Career Service Office that gives you the tools needed to be successful after graduation. Here’s What to Expect From the Career Office at Your College: Career Decision Making Career Exploration Resume […]
College Students: You Simply Must Do an Internship (Better Yet: Multiple Internships)
Your college years are some of the most important years of your life. Not only is it a time where you’re learning about yourself and the world around you, but this time period will help prepare you for the real world. The best way to be successful in life after college is to get experience […]
Get Outside and Get Active!
Nothing beats a day spent outside! This summer, take advantage of the warm weather and New York City’s parks, playgrounds, and outdoor activities to get some sunshine and make sure your body stays moving. Here are some free and low cost activities to try! Love the water? Give kayaking a try! Whether you live in […]
Making the Most of Your Summer
School’s out and summer’s finally here! It’s time to relax, hang out with friends and family, and take advantage of the great weather. Even though you may want to get away from school for a while, the summer can also be a great time to get a jumpstart on your college or other post-high school […]
Our Favorite Summer Recipes
Summer means long days, sunshine, and a need to stay cool. Here are a few of our favorite healthy summer treats to help you beat the heat! Want to learn more healthy food options? Check out the BeWell BridgeUP Family Cookbook! Sunrise Smoothie 1 medium banana ½ c frozen strawberries ½ c […]
Summer Safety Tips
Ah, sweet summer. The time for sleeping late, spending time with your friends, and, unfortunately, mosquito bites and sunburn. While you’re out and about having fun for the next few months, it’s important to make sure you’re taking care of your physical and mental health too. Sunscreen is key – and not just for the […]
8-Week Eat Clean Meal Plan
Are you looking to eat more wholesome foods but need some recipe inspiration? Click this link to check out Joanna Soh’s 8-week clean eating meal plan. We’re excited to try the black bean and sweet potato lettuce wraps and the 3-ingredient no-bake oatmeal bars! Eating wholesome, natural foods like these ones will help you feel […]
“Coming Out” as LGBT
Coming out – the process by which an individual tells other people that he or she is something other than straight or cisgender – can be a challenge. Sharing your sexual orientation or gender identify with a person can be both exciting yet scary, liberating yet anxiety producing. Additionally, it is important to realize that […]
10 Tips: Eat Smart and Be Active as You Grow
When it comes to your diet and exercise choices, there are so many sources of information out there. It can be hard to know where to find the best advice! Click here to read 10 easy tips to follow to eat smart and be active as you grow. The article is called “Healthy Tips for […]
You Decide What Beauty Is: Pushing Past Media-Driven Aesthetics
Many American popular culture icons have a standard look: skinny, yet perfectly curvy, fair skin and light eyes. Marilyn Monroe, Jean Harlow, Marlon Brando and Leonardo DiCaprio are all undeniably stunning and stylish in their own way, but for the longest time, their style of beauty is all that was considered to be beautiful by […]
Helping Teens Build a Healthy Body Image
We love this story about Dawn Larkin-Wallace, a mother of three in Baldwin, New York, who took up running as a way to bond with and motivate her family to adopt healthy habits. Read about how Larkin-Wallace made healthy living a lifestyle for this family, and not just a fad. They explain the difficulty in […]
Strategies to Incorporate Physical Activity as a College Student
By Elizabeth Oliver, UCDavis Student Health Center Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control recommends that individuals engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous- intensity aerobic exercise in addition to two days of muscle- strengthening exercises every week? That comes out to about 30 minutes a day, […]
15 ways to boost your confidence in college
Feeling overwhelmed or discouraged in college is normal. There are several ways you can combat these feelings and prepare yourself for a successful semester. 15 ways to boost your confidence in college: Turn off the little voice Realize you’re not alone. Take something you’re good at. Start small. Reward achievements. Make all your classes Take […]
10 Steps to Positive Body Image
“One list cannot automatically tell you how to turn negative body thoughts into positive body image, but it can introduce you to healthier ways of looking at yourself and your body. The more you practice these new thought patterns, the better you will feel about who you are and the body you naturally have.” Below […]
Congrats BridgeUP Class of 2018!
Congratulations BridgeUP Class of 2018! We are so proud of everything you have accomplished during your years with BridgeUP, and we cannot wait to hear about all of the ways you flourish after high school. It has been an honor to be a part of your growth, and we wish you all the best! But […]
What to Expect When You See a Mental Health Counselor
When you go to a doctor for a physical, you may have a good idea about what will happen because you have received medical care in the past. Often, you will get your height, weight, blood pressure and temperature taken. Your provider will ask you a few questions, examine you and order some lab tests and […]
Work Through Problems With Your Teenager
Spending time on working through problems with your child is a really important way of teaching them problem solving and conflict resolution skills. Going through the steps of solving a problem will help them see how to break it down and figure out how to tackle it. Hopefully they will remember these skills later when […]
How to Tell Your Parents About Your Mental Health Concerns
It takes courage to tell a parent or guardian that you are having trouble with your feelings. Adults can help you through tough times, and it’s important to get the support you need. When you are ready, try to find a time when you won’t be interrupted. You may even need to schedule a time […]
Understanding Depression: Just The Facts
Understanding depression can be very difficult. We have compiled a list of some symptoms and facts about depression to help you understand a bit more. Symptoms of Depression: Loss of Interest in activities, like hobbies Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or suicide Increased use of drugs and/or alcohol Trouble concentrating, memory, and making decisions Isolating yourself […]
What Is Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is when someone uses technology to send mean, threatening, or embarrassing messages to or about another person. It might be in a text, e-mail, or in a post online. Cyberbullying can be anonymous, which can sometimes make it even worse. It also has a wider audience, and can spread quickly. Targets of cyberbullying often […]
Test Anxiety Relaxation Techniques
We know how stressful school and especially test taking can be. Click on this link to check out these test anxiety relaxation techniques the Love To Know project describes in this article! There are lots to choose from and they walk you through each step by step.
Why do we eat so much processed food?
Eating a diet that does not have enough healthy vegetables and fruits causes a lot of health problems. And, while unhealthy foods are often cheap to buy, they can be expensive to our health over the long run. Why do Americans eat so many processed foods? Government subsidies are given to farmers to grow corn and […]
Myths of hypertension: Learn about sodium
While adding a lot of table salt to your food is bad for you and can raise your blood pressure, the real bad actor is the sodium in the packaged food you buy and in meals from restaurants. Most people understand that junk food such as potato chips are high in sodium, but what people don’t realize […]
It’s Ok to Ask for Help
Did you know that… – Four million children and adolescents in this country struggle with a serious mental health issues that can cause them to have conflicts at home, at school, and with peers. -Approximately 50 percent of students with a mental illness age 14 and older drop out of high school – Suicide is […]
Mental Health Resources
Mental health issues are common during adolescence and young adulthood. While some young people feel comfortable in reaching out and receiving help from counselors, others may be reluctant to do so because of stigma related to getting services, myths about teens and mental health or misunderstanding about what happens during treatment. “Only ‘soft’ people go […]
What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?
You may have learned about BMI in health class, heard your health care provider talk about BMI, or gotten a BMI report card from your school. BMI, short for body mass index, is getting a lot of attention lately because some schools in the United States are measuring students BMI and sending home BMI report cards. […]
The BeWell Youth Board Visits Columbia University
The BeWell Youth Board visited Columbia University. Here are 8 fast facts we learned: 1) Columbia University offers a lot of financial aid opportunities. While tuition at Columbia costs a lot of money, for families making less than $60,000 annually, the cost of tuition could be free! 2) There are many options for living on campus your […]
The Benefits of Art: The BeWell Youth Board Visits the Whitney Museum
Did you know art can help you to decrease stress, increase positive emotions, and clear your mind? And you do not even have to be an amazing artist to benefit from it! The BeWell Youth Board had the amazing opportunity to head downtown to The Whitney Museum to participate in a teen open studio. They created masterpieces […]
#BecauseILoveYou “Because I love you” isn’t an excuse for someone to treat you badly or make you feel uncomfortable. Watch the video to learn more about healthy relationships and how to join the #ThatsNotLove campaign. Interested in learning more about other aspects of health relationships? Check out our post about teen dating violence.
Top 12 Tips to Master the College Search
Searching for college can be a daunting task. It can be scary to think about where you are going to spend the next 2 to 4 years of your life! Take a look at these top 12 tips for choosing a college to help ease your worries and narrow down your search: 1) Identify the […]
9 Dimensions of Wellness: BuzzFeed Quiz Edition!
Looking for a fun way to explore the 9 dimensions of wellness? Check out this list of BuzzFeed quizzes we compiled representing an aspect of each dimension! SPIRITUAL WELLNESS: Are You More Yoga or Pilates? Yoga and pilates are both great ways to get in touch with your spiritual side. This quiz may help you decide which […]
Understanding Depression: Facts & Quiz
Understanding depression can be very difficult. We’ve compiled a list of some symptoms and facts about depression to help you understand a bit more. Also, do not forget to test your knowledge with a quiz at the end. If you send us a photo showing you got a perfect score on the quiz, you can win […]
Top Tips for Getting Yourself to Drink More Water
Most people know that water is the healthiest beverage. Sometimes it can be hard to motivate yourself to drink enough water. Explore our top five tips for getting yourself to drink more water: Add fruit to your water. Adding slices of oranges, cucumbers, or berries is a great way to add flavor to your water in a […]
Tips for Self Care!
Self-care is vital in ensuring that your mind and body stay happy and healthy. Check out this article we created on Buzzfeed about our 18 top tips for self care! If you feel like you need additional help with finding self-care activities that suit you or if you feel overwhelmed in general, reach out to your BridgeUP Fellow […]
Staying Active in the City: Our Top Tips!
Looking for some easy ways to become more active? Here are a few of our top tips for staying active in the city: Walk, (see link for walking trails in NYC) Run – check out Harlem’s community run and the Bronx’s community run bike (see link for bike trails in NYC) instead of getting a ride or […]
Networking 101 for Teens!
Networking 101 for Teens! High school is a good time to start meeting with teachers, counselors, and professionals. You may meet with a teacher to talk about getting a recommendation letter for college or with a professional to get more information about a potential career you are interested in pursuing. Here are a few tips […]
Making the Most out of High School
High school is supposed to be a fun and carefree time. But it’s also a time where teens have a lot more responsibility and are thinking about their future, which may include college, vocational training, or entering the working world. Here are a few tips to help you make the most out of high school […]
Healthy Relationships 101: Teen Dating Violence
Teen dating violence is a relationship that consists of either physical, mental, and/or emotional violence towards a partner’s relationship. Teen dating violence can activate many unhealthy behaviors such as: anger, jealousy, guilt, “put-me-downs”, and hostility. Teen dating violence has a lot of negative consequences. Healthy relationship behaviors can have a positive effect on a teen’s development […]
For Parents: Helping your Children Prepare for College
Parents, knowing how to help your children prepare for college can be difficult and confusing. Luckily, the CollegeBoard has created action plans for parents of high school students to aid their children in the difficult tasks of choosing a college, exploring majors and careers, paying for college, etc. Action Plans for parents of 9th […]
Drugs of Abuse: How Drugs Interact with Your Body
Alcohol, Inhalants, Marijuana, Nicotine, etc… there are many drugs that can become addictive and dangerous when abused. Visit this interactive activity to see how these drugs and others such as heroin, interact with the body. If you or anyone you know is struggling with any form of drug addiction, reach out to your BridgeUP Fellow, a trusted adult, your […]