Are you in a healthy relationship?
Everyone deserves to be in a safe and healthy relationship. Do you know if your relationship is healthy? Try this simple quiz from to see if you have a respectful, safe relationship or if you and your partner need to take some action to improve things. After you’re done, check out more resources on […]
Am I A Good Partner?
Have you ever wondered about if you are a “good” partner in your relationship? This simple quiz from can help you learn about if you are supporting your partner in a healthy, meaningful way, or if there are some things you might want to work on. Try it out today and learn more about […]
#BecauseILoveYou “Because I love you” isn’t an excuse for someone to treat you badly or make you feel uncomfortable. Watch the video to learn more about healthy relationships and how to join the #ThatsNotLove campaign. Interested in learning more about other aspects of health relationships? Check out our post about teen dating violence.
Healthy Relationships 101: Teen Dating Violence
Teen dating violence is a relationship that consists of either physical, mental, and/or emotional violence towards a partner’s relationship. Teen dating violence can activate many unhealthy behaviors such as: anger, jealousy, guilt, “put-me-downs”, and hostility. Teen dating violence has a lot of negative consequences. Healthy relationship behaviors can have a positive effect on a teen’s development […]