Five Conversations You and Your Student Should Have as You Begin the College Admission Process
Before the college admissions process, it’s important to have an open conversation with your teen about college. Having honest discussions will better prepare them for the process and will allow them to maintain a realistic mindset while applying to colleges.
- Ask your student why they want to go to college and what their goals and worries are about both the college search and the college experience.
- Ask your student how they see the college search process unfolding.
- Have an early conversation about the realities of college financing.
- Talk about some of the important skills that your student may need in college and how they can work on strengthening these skills as they go through the college search process.
- Finally, make a plan with your student for the logistics of getting this process done.
If you are not comfortable having these conversations, or need assistance, talk to the BridgeUP fellow in your teen’s library den, or get in touch with BeWell at:
Visit: to read more about the conversations you should be having with your child.