Managing Academic Stress with BeWell
Now that 2018 is over, we can look back on all of the amazing tools we learned last year to manage academic stress. Congratulations to our first academic quarter winners, who by demonstrating the use of these academic tools, won a $25 gift card! Our winners are: Nahjee C. (Countee Cullen), Alexa E. (BLC Alpha), Katherine P. (BLC Beta), Niya P. (BLC Delta), Luis S. (Allerton) and Sarath N. (96th St).
Did you miss a BeWell Break? Whether you missed a tool or you’re just trying to review all the skills we covered, here is our summary of all the tools we have covered so far:
Using your Planner
Using a planner will help you see how much time you have in a day and use that time effectively. Check out this video to learn some helpful planner tips.
Making the most of To-Do Lists
A to-do list can help you keep track of the tasks you need to do, and we recommend breaking big tasks down into smaller, more manageable ones. Watch this video to learn more about how to make the most useful to-do lists.
Organizing your Google Drive
Organizing your google drive will help you feel like your life is more organized! Focus on creating a folder system that works for you. Also, make sure you name your google docs using sharp titles (English Essay about To Kill a Mockingbird DUE January 20) rather than fuzzy ones (Essay).
Eliminating distractions with the Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro Technique is a way to maximize your homework time. The idea is simple: Focus on your work for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break. After the break, work for 25 more minutes and treat yourself to another 5-minute break. After working for 25 more minutes, take a longer break and then start the cycle over again. Completing your work in this way will help you stay focused and be productive!
Creating Study Guides
Making a study guide is a great way to organize what you know and what you need to know. Different types of study guides are better suited to different topics. For example, you could make an outline if you’re writing an essay but you may want to make a concept map for studying processes like photosynthesis. Check out this video, Study Guide 101, for some tips and tricks for approaching your study guides!
It’s been a great semester learning about stress management tools together! We can’t wait to share more tips with you in the new year.