Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships? Which Am I in?
Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships – which am I in? Sometimes it is hard to tell if you are in a healthy relationship or not. It may start out wonderful, your partner is giving you all kinds of great attention, seems to be really listening to you, always there for you…. Then something changes. You aren’t […]
Are you in a healthy relationship?
Everyone deserves to be in a safe and healthy relationship. Do you know if your relationship is healthy? Try this simple quiz from to see if you have a respectful, safe relationship or if you and your partner need to take some action to improve things. After you’re done, check out more resources on […]
Am I A Good Partner?
Have you ever wondered about if you are a “good” partner in your relationship? This simple quiz from can help you learn about if you are supporting your partner in a healthy, meaningful way, or if there are some things you might want to work on. Try it out today and learn more about […]
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Being in a relationship can be fun and exciting if you are with the right person. Too often, though, people of all ages end up getting into relationships or staying in bad relationships for all the wrong reasons. Dating violence can affect anyone at any age, but it is common among teens: “one in three […]
#BecauseILoveYou “Because I love you” isn’t an excuse for someone to treat you badly or make you feel uncomfortable. Watch the video to learn more about healthy relationships and how to join the #ThatsNotLove campaign. Interested in learning more about other aspects of health relationships? Check out our post about teen dating violence.
Healthy Relationships 101: Teen Dating Violence
Teen dating violence is a relationship that consists of either physical, mental, and/or emotional violence towards a partner’s relationship. Teen dating violence can activate many unhealthy behaviors such as: anger, jealousy, guilt, “put-me-downs”, and hostility. Teen dating violence has a lot of negative consequences. Healthy relationship behaviors can have a positive effect on a teen’s development […]